Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hit the Easy Button!

Happy Sunday! Our conference is over and it was one of the best we've ever hosted. It wore us out but it was a blessing to everyone who attended so it's all good.

Have you seen one of these? They are featured in the Staples television campaign and they can be purchased at any local Staples store. I use it when things get hectic or stressful to remind me that I'm not alone and greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. So, the next time life comes at you and you feel like you're gonna sink hit the "Easy" button and remember - this too shall pass.

I'm off to meet with a group of local photographers so I'll share more in another post as much has been happening at Samuel Barr Photography. Have a great Sunday and I'll chat with you soon!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You can make millions from your idea

Happy Tuesday! I will be away for a few days as we are hosting our first major conference of the year. But, while I'm gone I wanted to leave you with a little motivation and encouragement - NEVER underestimate the power of an idea.

You've heard me say that before but the more I research the more convicted I become regarding just how far you can go with an idea. We've all had those "why didn't I think of that" moments and yet those fresh, new and innovative ideas keep flowing through our thought lives.

As we head into a new season let's make a commitment together to take hold of one of those fleeting ideas. You never know - that idea could make you a millionaire. Have a great week and never stop believing!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Live Life!

I noticed this license plate as I was headed out the other day and it made me stop in my tracks and take notice. And, since today we celebrate the greatest gift ever given and that was eternal life through Jesus Christ, let's use today and the new Spring season to make a new commitment to live our lives to the fullest. Since Jesus is the resurrection let's resurrect those old dreams that we may have let die; let's resurrect those hopes and aspirations that once drove us to dig deeper into ourselves and let our God-given gifts shine through; and let's resurrect any old joy that we let slip away. Jesus said that He came so that we could have life and life more abundantly. So, today is a new day, not only in nature but also inside of ourselves. Have a great Easter and remember to LIVE LIFE!

Friday, March 21, 2008

It's Spring!

Yes, it is Spring in the Midwest. In fact it is officially our 2nd day of Spring. I have to admit that there is nothing quite like the changing of the old to new and going from Winter to Spring. So, may I ask a question? What happened?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Only in America

With all of the talk this past weekend about Barack Obama I thought it would be cool to take a "chill pill" and have a good laugh. So, let me ask you a question? Have you heard of the Obama girl?

Well, believe it or not this young lady is now a star. As you can tell from all of the recent ups and downs of this year's Presidential race, there's no telling what will happen during a presidential campaign. This young lady and the video producers have been featured on CNN, CNBC and ABC News' Nightline programs. All of this attention is from a short video they posted on YouTube.

As my little Godson and his friends would say, "I'm not mad at them" as they have used the Internet to make a name for themselves. And, the actress featured in this video was recently voted the sexiest woman on the 'Net. As Don King would say, "Only in America baby!"

WARNING: This video features women in little dress and may be offensive to some people. Please do not view if you find these images offensive. Are we cool?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Having some fun with my Canon friends.

Happy Sunday. I'm in and out today but just had to say "hi" and wish you a great Sunday!

I've been having some fun with all of my fellow Canon photographers as they are always trying to get me to switch systems. Why? I don't know. I'm told that Canon shooters are like Apple Mac people and they want to evangelize the whole world according to the Gospel of Canon cameras. So, this was my little poke at them. Guess what? It made some of my fellow Nikon shooters mad so I better cool out. Ah, it's all in fun and all of us have had a blast with this spoof.

Now, if someone wants to send me a Canon 5D and a couple of choice IS lenses I am open to exploration. ;-)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Just in case... prediction winning streak continues this young man is my other pick for becoming the next American Idol. Ladies and gentlemen meet David Cook!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My next prediction...

...and since I'm on a winning streak I'm going to now say that my young brother David Archuleta will have to bring it home!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Say it ain't so...

Well, so much for predictions as my man was voted off tonight. I can't believe it as David has MAD vocal skills and stage presence. Last night was not his best performance but he didn't deserve the axe. Check this out and let me know if you think he should have been voted off.

Making the Grade

Recently, I had the opportunity to photograph a Hapkido black belt test. This was a real thrill for me as I have loved anything martial arts since I saw my first Bruce Lee movie as a child. If fact one of my life goals is to earn my black belt.

A lot of people don't know this but I've briefly studied Taekwondo, Shotokan, Gojo-Ryu, Han Mu Do and Hapkido. I've actually been in and out of martial arts for close to 15+ years and had I simply stuck with one system I would have several black belts by now.

But, I finally found a system that I loved and that worked well with my body type and I am half-way towards achieving my black belt in Hapkido. So, seeing someone "make it" was an added thrill and a great learning experience.

I use to train with this group and stopped due to work demands and what seemed like a few months turned into several years. So, I've decided to go back and finish what I've started. I'll share more with you in my next "Operation Transformation" post but until then wanted to share some of the images captured that night.

And, if you're ever in the area I highly encourage and recommend that you check out the outstanding instructors and super-cool people at the Ki-Do Dojo. Not only will you get a great workout but you'll meet some of nicest people on the planet. And to my fellow brother in Hapkido - CONGRATULATIONS!

Photographer in trouble!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Next American Idol

Yes, I've been bit by the "idol" bug. I didn't plan on watching this season and a fellow photog recommended I check it out. So, I did and now I'm hooked.

But check this out - I don't often make predictions but I'm going to go out on a limb and declare that this young man is your next American Idol. Having been a singer and performer "back in the day" I love strong vocals and stage presence and this brother has got it all. I've heard that there is some controversy regarding his past but I hope that he is allowed to continue as he has it all to be a star. Look out for Mr. David Hernandez!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

The power of the imagination!

Sometimes necessity is the mother of invention. This was the case with Ephren Taylor who at age 12 taught himself how to create computer video games when his parents told him that they couldn't afford to buy him one. Get this - he didn't know anything about computers nor did he own one.

Well, as the saying goes "the rest is history" and as a high school student he sold his first company for $3 Million dollars. Now at the old age of 24 he is one of the youngest CEOs of a publically traded company (he runs two publically traded companies).

Now, why am I sharing this with you? Because all of us have ideas run through our heads everyday. And the more I study people who have succeeded against great odds the more apparent it becomes that you don't have to have a fancy education, rich parents, tons of connections, or a lot of equipment. What you do need is an idea, the fortitude to take a step of faith, and the perseverance to never quit.

So, what ideas have been running through your mind lately? If Ephren can teach himself how to use computers, program computers, and then build video games without even owning a computer, how much more can you and I do? May I recommend grabbing one of those ideas that come to you daily as you can never underestimate the power of the imagination.