Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm Prayin' 4 Ya'

Have you seen this video? It is from one of the most thoughtful and talented young Christian hip-hop artists to hit the music scene. He has a song titled "I'm prayin' for you" that is a must hear. There is a line in this song that says "...the other day he told me that he felt like less of a man because he didn't have a five-year plan or a piece of land..." There are many lines in this song that stand out but this one struck me as I began to wonder how many people feel like they're inadequate because of some man-made standard?

I know that right now it is very popular in "church" circles for all men to have a "five-year plan and a piece of land." But, whether you own your own home or not has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus' love for you and His plan for your life. One of the worst things we can do is to compare ourselves with other people. And even more damaging is to somehow equate your self worth with the things you have.

So, today I want to share with anyone who maybe feeling "less than" because they "don't have this or that" that you are a child of God, a royal priesthood and God - the God who created the Universe - approves of you just as you are and where you are! Hold your head up high and don't give up. God has a plan for your life and will fulfill all of your heart's desires.

I understand that this is not my typical blog post but there is someone reading this entry who's been feeling "less than" because of our culture's love affair with money and success. There's nothing wrong with wealth or success but the most important "thing" you can acquire is the love of God. And for that all you have to do is ask as He gives it away for free.

Be encouraged and never let another person's opinion or perception of who you are become your own. You are special and your life, no matter what stage of life you are in, is important to God. And when you really think about isn't His opinion of you the only one that really matters? Just a little something to think about. Have a great day and I hope you enjoy the song.


Blogger Unknown said...

Really dope post! It's encouraging to see people concerned about the youth around us today. So many simply just write them entirely off.

peace and God bless,

Sphere of Hip-Hop

9:36 AM  
Blogger SamTheMan said...

What's up Josh! Thank you for checking out my blog and for the encouraging words. Be blessed my man, peace!

4:09 PM  

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