Look at what The Lord has done!

Well, after months of teasing I'm finally getting around the sharing the BIG news. Thank you for being so patient. :-)
Last year the Lord started dealing with me about a studio. My business model doesn't include a studio as I work out of my home. And, after speaking with a myriad of photographers who own studios it became clear that right now my business doesn't need the overhead associated with a photography studio.
But, the Lord kept leading me to different locations and asking me "do you want that?" Deep down, if cost wasn't an issue, I'd like to have a nice and trendy space to interview clients and showcase my work. My home is cool and trendy, and I have my work mounted everywhere, but it is too small to really make the "presentation" that I desire. So, I would always answer God and say, "I can't afford a studio."
Still, God kept leading me to different places and I would experience the same prompting over and over again. My Pastor is always telling us that God will always show you something that is more than you think you can handle because He is going to do the work, not you (I probably jacked-up that statement but you get the idea). It's by His might, not mine. So, I finally reached the point where I answered the Lord and said, "OK, it's too expensive for me right now but if that be your will then I receive it."
Well, in May of this year something very special happened - I now share a facility that includes a hallway with marble floors, an elevator, a meeting area, full-size kitchen, fireplace, espresso machine and vaulted ceilings all surrounded by rich redwood paneling. And, it's WiFi! I am very comfortable interviewing couples regarding their destination weddings and family portrait sessions in this space.
But, that's not all! I now have an "office/studio" without all of the expensive overhead that I didn't want. Isn't God good? No, I don't own it. And "yes" I share this space with other people and business owners but that isn't a problem. When I'm there I feel like singing the Jefferson's TV theme song "Movin' on up."
So, there you have it. That's the big news I've wanted to share with you. All I can say is look at what the Lord has done!

This is one of the facilities I looked at. This one is significant as this became available right around the time I stop fighting God and said "...I receive it."

The Hallway

The corridor to the elevator

The view looking over the balcony

The fireplace as seen from the upstairs balcony

Dinning facilities off of the Kitchen

The Kitchen

The Conference Room

View looking out of the conference room

The Conference Room
So, who would like to be the first couple that shares their wedding photography desires with me in my new "office/studio?" Drop me a line as I'm going to do something special for the very first couple. :-)
WOW!!! Congrats on being a good and faithful servant! I need to get on that train! I've seen God bless people all around me, and here I sit trying to do things on my own. When will I learn my lesson? Seriously, though, that is just awesome!
BTW, if you're serious about lunch some time, let me know. We'll see if what happens! Honestly I've never shot with anyone before, besides my fiance, so it'd be a new thing for me!
Hi Sam, I've been following your blog recently and want to share my congratulations. Your blog and your photography and your faith are very inspiring.
Big congrats my man! The place looks sweet. Looking forward to seeing the projects that come out of there.
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