Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mellow Yellow Rules!

Happy Sunday! Just wanted to wish you all a great week full of joy, power, imagination, hope, faith and love. Just finished some hot panoramics that I will share shortly. Also, I'm also done with my flower calendar and post cards and here's a few of pics from the "Yellow Power" set that I hope you enjoy. I'm almost done with the wedding slideshow and I officially have a logo. So, much has been happening in the world of Samuel Barr Photography and I will share it all with you in the coming weeks. Be blessed, keep shooting, and most importantly keep dreaming! Dreams do come true but you've got to believe!

In Orbit

With a little help from my friends

Standing Tall

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Meeting A Living Legend

During my first wedding I had the opportunity to meet a living legend and it was quite an experience. The gentleman in this picture is Herb Kent, radio legend and music man extraordinaire! He, along with one of his protege's, were the DJs at the wedding. Now, if you're not into R&B or Blues music you've probably never heard of "Herby Baby." But, Herb Kent is personal friends with everyone from B.B. King to James Brown. But, what makes him so special is not his radio hall of fame honors, but his genuine warmth and love for people. Herb is truly one of the nicest people you will ever meet. I have been blessed to have met Herb, not because he is famous, but because he is a "real" person who has a heart for people.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I almost forgot...

With the wedding and preparing for our big conferences at my "day" job I forgot to share that one of my images is currently featured on the Awesome Photographs website. This site was created by a truly gifted photographer named Jim Cook who wanted to share the awesome images he found in photography forums with the rest of the world. A panel of some of the country's top photographers review and choose each image that is featured at this site. And, it is truly an honor to have one of my images included among this great body of work. So, check out the site and share your thoughts on the wonderful work featured at Awesome Photographs!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Splash Away!

One of the wonderful things about the summer is the warm weather and all of the swimming! I love the water and anything water-related. Recently, I covered a local pool party and although it was a difficult assignment, I had to jump-in to capture the shot. Here's part one from the pool party series titled "Splash Away." Enjoy!

Buzz Lightyear

Models on loan

Rubber Ducky

It's really hot out here!

Meet a really nice guy

"Chillin'" in the shade

What a lovely smile


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Encouragement Series: Perception

Have you ever heard the saying "Things are not always as they appear?" That maybe one of the most profound truths known to man. Yes, that statement is just that powerful.

Often in life we look at people, things, and situations from one perspective - the surface. But, just like a tree or an iceberg the majority of what you see lies beneath the surface. The same holds true for relationships, dissappointments and opportunities - there is always more than meets they eye! The answer that you seek is often hidden in the problem. But, you will NEVER see it if you only view things from one perspective.

So, for the month of July I want to encourage you to begin to look at every challenge or opportunity from more than one point of view. If something "presents" itself take a few moments, even days if necessary, and medidate, pray, look it over, come at it from another angle, then come at it again from yet another angle, and pray and medidate some more. If you try you will discover that things are not as they always appear, and the answer and/or miracle you've been seeking is standing right beside you - it's all a matter of perception!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Playing around with Polaroids

Do you remember Polaroid instamatic cameras? I do and without giving away my age I remember when they were really big and you carried them around in a case with handles that looked like a small briefcase. Well, in the age of digital photography I found one in excellent condition and had to have it. I plan on using it and incorporating the instant prints into an upcoming couples session. Here's a few prints from the test roll that I wanted to share and although they have been "cleaned" up they are very true to the originals. Please let me know if you not only remember these cameras but if you still have one. Be blessed and keep shooting!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I just love portraits!

Happy Saturday! I'm away this weekend from the PC as I have a tennis tournament tomorrow. I haven't played as much this summer season and I'm one of the defending singles champions so please keep lifted up in prayer as I will need it! Have I shared with you that I just love portraits. I can't help myself, I could take portraits all day long and never get tired. Here's a few recent portraits that I hope you enjoy. Be blessed and we'll talk more on in our Encouragement series. Have a joyous and empowered weekend!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day! I hope you're out and about and enjoying the wonderful summer weather! Now, for my friends outside of the US today we celebrate America's independence from the Britain.

But, don't let today just be another July 4th celebration. Just as we recognize and reflect on America's fight for freedom and independence, also take this time to reflect on your personal freedom and independence. Let today mark the beginning of a new day and a new season in your life!

This holiday always occurs in the summer and the summer represents a season of harvest. Let me ask you a question? What has been holding you back from truly living a life more abundant? What has been stopping you from really pursuing the things you truly want out of life? Whatever it is, let today be your personal independence day and use this holiday to break free of anything and anyone that has been stopping you from achieving your goals. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! You have been set free from guilt, blame, shame, condemnation, low self-esteem and fear. It truly is your personal independence day! Now, go out and make the most of it because YOU HAVE BEEN SET FREE!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

A few shots from the weekend!

Happy 4th of July weekend! Just a short note to share some really cool images from some recent negative scans. We'll talk more on the 4th, but for now be blessed and keep shooting!

Meet Marshall

Little Freddie

Little Freddie Having Fun in BW

The Ultimate Mocha

Flower Power