Sunday, June 25, 2006

Welcome to Middle America

Happy Sunday! Just wanted to share a few images from a new art gallery series I'm completing that focuses on small town America. This series is a "walk of faith" as I'm submitting several images into several major art galleries. I'll keep you posted! Enjoy and have a blessed and empowered week!

Red Barn

Still Waiting

Hometown Church

Mechanical Horse

An Old Friend

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Action Scripts, Action Scripts, Oh How I Love Action Scripts!

Lately I've been exploring the beauty and the power of PS action scripts. Until now I didn't use them much and simply created the effects I wanted manually. Thank God for technology as I now have several professional action scripts that will help edit and produce the types of images I've admired from other top photographers. Last night I couldn't wait to start playing with my new toys and created this image which mimics the wonderful LensBaby effect. I used all of the default settings and this photo turned out better than I imagined. Stay tuned, things are about the really heat up!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Gifts of the Sun

This post was almost lost with's sever maintenance conducted over the weekend. But, it was not and I'm so glad to be able to share these images with you. These photos are some of the final images from my upcoming greeting cards and calendar featuring flowers. I call this gallery "Gifts of the Sun." Please enjoy and I look forward to sharing the final versions in their final form with you shortly. Be blessed and never, never, never stop dreaming!

Morning in Disguise


Red Velvet

Hiding from the Rain

Red Thunder

Purple Passions

Saturday, June 17, 2006

You have got to see this!

This isn't photography related or related to anything creative in the "traditional" sense, but it is very resourceful. This is a video of a bear who decided to take a nap in someone's hammock. Yes, it's for real and it will make you laugh. Enjoy!

Click here to see the video.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Let Your Light Shine!

A friend of mine sent this to me today from someone else who had emailed this to her. She warned me of being sure not to cry when I saw it and the file was named "Katrina." At first I thought "OK, here's something that is really sad to look at." However, I found the choice of images and song to be uplifting and encouraging. And yes, at first I did cry but they weren't tears of sadness but tears of joy. Encapsulated in this short presentation is the power, fortitude, drive, and determination of the human spirit. Please take a moment and click on the link below to not only be inspired, but also to be encouraged as you will see firsthand that we as a people can and will overcome anything. God bless and enjoy!

Click here to be inspired!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Encouragement Series: Vision

What do you think about when you hear the word "vision?" Do you think about your eyesight? Most people do, but the truth is that we don't see with our eyes, we see through them. Webster defines "vision" as:

: the act or power of imagination b (1) : mode of seeing or conceiving (2) : unusual discernment or foresight...
something seen in a dream, ... a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation

"Vision" is the most important part of making your dreams come true! And yet, it is often overlooked. Never forget that you can only go where you can "see." Here's a few notes from Dr. John Maxwell that speaks to the value of vision (I've edited the copy to speak directly to you and your life).
A vision doesn't look at the available resources and asks, "what can be done with them?" It sees the potential and issues the challenge. That means, you should never look at the distance between you and your goal. Instead, you should focus on "seeing" yourself at the finish line!

If a problem is bigger than your dreams, it will stop you. But, if your vision is greater you will find a way to overcome it. You've probably heard it said that obstacles are the things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. If your vision is clear, problems are only speed bumps on your road to personal fulfillment.

A Prime Minister of France once said, "If you are doing big things, you attract big people. If you are doing little things, you attract little people." The scope of your vision determines the stature of the people around you.

Do you know why so many successful people are visionaries? Because vision gives people a drive to succeed. Someone once said that only he who sees the invisible can do the impossible.
Where is your vision carrying you? Do you have a vision of where you want to be in 10, 20, 30, and 50 years from now? If not, now's a good time to start! Make a commitment this month to sit down, pray, daydream, and write down the type of life you want to live 10 to 50 years from now.
I promise you that not only will this exercise prove to be one of the most rewarding you've ever done, but it will also help you create a compelling vision for your life that will propel you closer to your dreams materializing than you've ever imagined possible. You ultimately fulfilling your heart's desires depends upon what you can see, not with your eyes, but with your heart!

A Little Fun In The Sun

Happy Tuesday! Just a short blurb to share some of my upcoming cards and poster shots with you. And, I want to know what you think so please "hit" me up via the Cbox or comments section.

Also, I know I haven't been spending as much time as I have in the past with you via my blog as I've just finished my 1st audiobook project. I don't know where it will go, but I recorded, edited, and mastered a real-life audiobook. I'm soo excited as that project was right-in-line with my vision for my post-production company. Once the cover is approved by the publisher, I'll share the book and a little more about the author - you'll love this guy and his story is inspirational and motivational. God bless, keep shooting, and NEVER stop dreaming!

Baby Breath

A Moment In Time

Orange Sunshine

Lavender Laughter

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Having Fun In Black and White

Happy Sunday! I hope you're having an empowered and joyous weekend! Getting ready for the playoffs and wanted to share some really cool black and white images from my vacation. Three of the four images below were captured using a point and shoot camera - yes a point and shoot! Can you guess which ones? Be blessed and we'll chat more next week when we discuss vision - it's going to be good! :-)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hangin' out with some truly remarkable young men!

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to praise God in Spanish at Calvary Church in Naperville. They hosted a special concert and evening of praise featuring Salvador! Moody Broadcasting (WMBI) helped sponsor and promote the event.

Well, not only did we praise, worship, and dance before the Lord but we really had a great time. And, I just love Salvador's music. These guys are sooooo talented, anointed and gifted. They have a unique way of blending so many different music styles into their music that truly sets them apart.

But what ministered to me the most was not the music, but the humility of all of the performers.

(This is me "kicking" it with Salvador)

(This is me "kicking" it with Contagious)

A group called "Contagious" opened for Salvador and these guys were incredible! They also brought the house down with their unique style of contemporary Christian music. And, after performing all night, having to perform the very next day, and having not eaten anything that day, the band members took a picture with me around midnight. But not just me, they stayed and signed every autograph and took a picture with everyone that asked.

Both Contagious and Salvador really have a heart for people - despite obviously being tired they never showed it. They thanked everyone for coming, gave God praise for what He's doing in their lives, and even hugged everyone including me.

I have to tell you that I was convicted by their demeanor. I have been a television personality of sorts in my past and I've never seen any "personality" carry themselves with such dignity, love and humility as Contagious and Salvador did that evening. And, they set a new standard for me personally of how to truly reach out to people and put their needs and wants before your own. I learned a valuable life lesson from these young men and I am a better man and "Christian" because of it.

Thank you Contagious and Salvador for being who God created you to be, and for reminding me of what is truly important - ministering to the needs of people!

(Calvary church at night)

To learn more about Calvary Church and all of the wonderful things they are doing for the Kingdom, check out their website at

Friday, June 09, 2006

Having a little fun with the kids

Last weekend I had the privilege to photograph a graduation celebration. It was a lot of fun and I met some really cool people. But, what was the most fun was running around and trying to photograph the children that were there. I don't know if it was the heat or the fact there were other kids there to play with, but none of the children wanted me to take their picture. Usually, kids love being photographed but on this day they would try to hide when they saw the "man with the camera" coming their way. Here's a few of the shots from the moments when they couldn't hide. Enjoy and remember children are a gift from God! Be blessed.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The newest member of the "family"

Happy Sunday! Just popped in to share a few portraits of my Godson's niece. She is soooooooo cute and happy and curious that I just had to capture a few shots of her in action. Have a blessed and empowered week!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Have a great weekend!

The weather should be great this weekend so please make a point to get out and enjoy yourself. I'll be in and out this weekend so this post will be short. Just wanted to share more of my spring fling with you and say "Thank God it's the weekend baby!"