Encouragement Series: You ARE Special!

Beginning this month and every month this year, you will find a motivating message (featuring words of wisdom and photography from yours truly) designed to empower you to let go of whatever is holding you back from fulfilling your God-given destiny. You've heard me say over and over again, and it is still worth repeating, that you are an artist, you have a gift, you are talented, and you deserve to live your life happy and fulfilled.
But, that will never happen until you truly let the real you shine! And, that isn't always easy as we live in a society that tries to make us "fit" some preconceived notion of who someone else thinks we should be. That's why for the month of March the charge is individuality.
Do you realize that there has never been and there will never be another person that has your footprint, thumbprint, retina scan or voice print? You are wonderfully and marvelously made. In fact, you were made in the image and likeness of God. Make a decision today to fight the pressures to be like everyone else and let the "real" you come out and express him/herself like never before.
Too many people take their greatness and creativity with them to the grave. Don't make that mistake. You are an original, don't die a copy!