Summer Fun!

A few weekends ago we had our annual Summer Pool Party and it was a blast! Last year I broke my Olympus Stylus Epic as it got wet during a cannonball by one of the kids (once it dried out it worked but I didn't want to risk it again). So, this year I picked up an underwater case for my Fuji F10 and this event was the time I tried it out.
I was a little skeptical at first but it held up well. It did come apart twice but fortunately there was no damage to my camera. I don't know if I rolled it up correctly so I will have to "play" with it some more.
Being able to be in and under the water is great as you're exposed to angles and perspectives that are only available from being in the water. If anyone uses this brand of underwater casing I'd love to learn more about your experiences with it. And, if you'd like to learn more about it check out this website.

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