Loving Life!

Yesterday was the first day of the famous Taste of Chicago summer festival. And, being so close to the ocean I couldn't help myself and left the "Taste" to take a boat tour along the harbor. I have some great images to share with you from my excursion but for now here's a few "hot off the press" that I thought you'd enjoy.
The weather is wonderful today so have a great Sunday!

Those pictures make me even happier that we are in summer rather than winter!
I've noticed you darken the corners and edges of a lot of your pictures. If you don't mind me asking, what do you use to do that? Burning tool? You edit in Photoshop?
Hi Josh,
Yes, winter around here is crazy! Re: the darker corners - for some strange reason I like vignettes so I use them often. Sometimes subtle and at other times very strong.
I use a couple of PS actions to create them. My favorite is the "Lasso Vignette" contained in Matt Antonio's PI Action Set II. The other PS action I use is called "Edge Burner" and it is part of Kevin Kubota's Artistic Action Set 2.
For lightroom, I have a few from Matt Kloskowski of Killerlightroomtips.com. His are free so if you use Lightroom I'd recommend checking them out.
I also use Scott Robert's Lightroom presets and Photoshop Actions and both contain really nice vignetting tools.
I hope that helps my friend, let me know if there's anything else I can help with.
BTW - how's the move going?
Here's a little known secret place for some good free actions. Checkout atncentral. Here's the link to their vignette PS action:
I used it before I had any of the other tools previously mentioned and it works really well. Plus, because it's PS it's also customizable.
Hit me up if I can help!
Thanks! Most of those names you threw out are foreign to me, but I'll google em and see what I come up with. You did answer my question, though.
The move won't happen till sept, but I am working on finding a job as of now, and figuring out my budget and what I can afford as far as buying a house or renting. With my job, I need to just pick up the phone and start calling some local locksmiths in the Austin area. They're not usually the type to list the ads online. I just keep putting it off.
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