Operation Transformation

Happy Sunday! It is a gorgeous day with warm winter temperatures and a big beautiful sun. Spring is in the air and after all of the crazy subzero weather we've had of late I for one can't wait.
The Spring not only signifies a new season in nature but it also represents a new season in my life. Over the past six years my life has become very sedentary and it has adversely affected my health and fitness. I know the stress, long hours and lack of sleep all play a role but the lack of exercise has been the most detrimental.
So, 2008 (although I actually began back in Sep of '07) represents a year of change, promotion, abundance and growth for me. I am attacking this issue head-on and getting myself back into top shape. This is necessary as life is no good without your health. I am a big proponent of living life to the fullest and believe that you can't live your best life tired, overworked, under payed, stressed and out of shape. Plus, it doesn't glorify God.
Now, some of you maybe wondering why I'm sharing something so personal in such a public forum like the Internet? Well, over the years I've gotten to meet and become good friends with many of you and I know that you want the best for me and will keep me accountable in achieving this goal. Plus, there maybe someone out there reading this post who is dealing with the same issue and could use some encouragement.
So, periodically I will be providing updates on my "road to good health" through my blog. I am looking forward to sharing the joys and pains of this experience as it is my heart's desire that it will encourage someone else that it is never too late to make a change and transform your life. Welcome to Operation Transformation!
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