Tag! I'm it...
Have you ever heard the phrase "Be careful for what you wish for because you just might get it?" Literally, just a few days ago I mentioned to a friend of mine that I would love to be blog "tagged." Well, today I was tagged! How cool is that?
The way this works is that I have to share 8 things about me that you may not know and then "tag" 8 more people. So, here we go!
1. At one time in my life I was a Nuclear Weapon Specialists. And "no" I don't glow in the dark - anymore ;-)
2. I was a member of a song and dance group called "Special Occasions." We use to travel to sing and dance at a host of venues throughout Louisiana.
3. I was a member of a national award winning Acapella Choir as a baritone.
4. Lived in Germany for almost 5 years and use to speak fluent German.
5. I've been in and out of Martial Arts for at least 12 years.
6. I know it may sound cliche' but Jesus is the center of my joy!
7. Before deciding to attend college I auditioned for Disney World.
8. I was the Master of Ceremonies for 2 Greek "Step Shows" in College.
I am tagging:
Scott Robert
Frank Amodo
Kenny Kim
Taslim Sidi
Chris + Lynn
Kimberly Bee
Erika Verginelli
and Me Ra Koh.
The super-talented, super-gifted and super-beautiful friend who tagged me has also been very encouraging and helpful in pursuing my infrared photography. So, as part of this "tag" I wanted to share one of my new gems early just for her.

Don't forget to checkout the really cool people I've tagged. I promise you that you'll enjoy visiting their blogs and learning more about them and their unique creative gifts. :-)
The way this works is that I have to share 8 things about me that you may not know and then "tag" 8 more people. So, here we go!
1. At one time in my life I was a Nuclear Weapon Specialists. And "no" I don't glow in the dark - anymore ;-)
2. I was a member of a song and dance group called "Special Occasions." We use to travel to sing and dance at a host of venues throughout Louisiana.
3. I was a member of a national award winning Acapella Choir as a baritone.
4. Lived in Germany for almost 5 years and use to speak fluent German.
5. I've been in and out of Martial Arts for at least 12 years.
6. I know it may sound cliche' but Jesus is the center of my joy!
7. Before deciding to attend college I auditioned for Disney World.
8. I was the Master of Ceremonies for 2 Greek "Step Shows" in College.
I am tagging:
Scott Robert
Frank Amodo
Kenny Kim
Taslim Sidi
Chris + Lynn
Kimberly Bee
Erika Verginelli
and Me Ra Koh.
The super-talented, super-gifted and super-beautiful friend who tagged me has also been very encouraging and helpful in pursuing my infrared photography. So, as part of this "tag" I wanted to share one of my new gems early just for her.

Don't forget to checkout the really cool people I've tagged. I promise you that you'll enjoy visiting their blogs and learning more about them and their unique creative gifts. :-)
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