Thinking Big!

Recently, I had the opportunity to chill out at the local Lamborghini dealership and I have to admit that the experience was an eye-opener. I'm a Ferrari man but have always found the Lamborghini's styling world class. And, only at a Lamborghini dealership will you find Bentleys, Aston Martins, Mercedes, Porches and Jaguars for sale as "used" cars.
As I was checking out all of the cool automobiles I started thinking - there are a lot of these $250,000+ automobiles for sale. I don't know why but for some reason I thought that there were a limited number of cars at these prices. But, the reality is that there is no lack. I know we've been taught that there is a limited supply and we have to fight one another to get our little "piece of the pie." But, that isn't the truth!
According to Dr. Dennis Kimbro's book "What Makes the Great Great," there is a new millionaire made in America every 18 hours. Now, that statistic is a little dated as it was before the dot-com crash. But, the fact still remains that we have been blessed to be placed in the wealthiest nation on the planet. Nowhere is it easier to create wealth and personal financial freedom than in America. So, why do some people become Billionaires and others seem to struggle? I believe it begins with faith, knowledge of your covenant rights as a believer, and the way you think.
I am reading a phenomenal book called "Think Like a Billionaire, Become a Billionaire" by Scot Anderson. The whole book is based on Proverbs 23:7 ("As a man thinks, so is he") and over 400 hours of research focusing on people who've accumulated great wealth. And, in the process Scot went from a net worth of $250,000 to over several Million in just one year. In a nutshell, here's what he discovered:
We look for ways to spend money. Billionaires look for ways to invest money.
We invest just a little. Billionaires realize investing is the key to abundance.
We think a better job will make us wealthy. Billionaires know that a job will never make them wealthy; investments will.
We stay away from risks because we might fail. Billionaires know if they don't take risks, they've already failed.
We try to avoid problems. Billionaires see problems as opportunities to make millions.
We prepare today for today. Billionaires prepare today for the opportunities of tomorrow.
We waste time. Billionaires see time as their most valuable asset.
Now, you may be saying, "Look Sam, I don't want a Bentley or to be a Billionaire. Personally, I think that's a waste of money." I understand. But, may I ask you a question that Scot put to me when I met him? Can you imagine what you could do for the Kingdom of God with the tithe off of one Billion dollars? That's one hundred Million per year you could use to support the work of God throughout the world.
I have to admit that Scot "got me" with that one. One of my life's goals is to provide clean drinking water for all of India. Another life's goal is to provide first-class, state-of-the-art dental and eye care for remote parts of Africa. Those are BIG dreams that are going to require BIG money to make them come to pass.
Just think about the churches you could build debt-free, the Missionaries and their families that you could support, the hundreds of kids you could send to the school of their choice debt-free for four years or more, the thousands of people you could provide medicine and health care to, the hundreds of state-of-the-art schools you could build, the list goes on and on.
Yes, we will need to use our faith and ask God to multiply what we have just like He did with the 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. But, when I really started thinking about what I could do, with God's blessing, and with that level of wealth, I found I really started thinking BIG.
I didn't plan on writing all of this; just wanted to show you some of the cool cars that I played with over the weekend. But, this is what rose to the surface. And I hope that this post will challenge your way of thinking and maybe, just maybe, motivate you to believe God to do some really BIG things in your life. Just something to think about. Be blessed and keep shooting!

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