Appreciating God's creation

Happy Sunday! I'm off to return to the land of the corn fields to "sow a seed" into the heart of a very close friend and his family. But, before I take off I wanted to share a few new infrared shots created using Scott Robert's Adobe Lightroom presets. Lightroom makes it sooooooooo easy to edit your images that once you try it, you have to have it. And, since it is such a powerful editing tool you can really take your images to "places" that formerly only existed in your imagination.
For example, these two images were just "OK" as color images. But, when I converted them into infrared images they became works of art that really show God's glory in his creation. We'll talk more about seeing God's glory in His creation later but for now have a blessed day and remember - His beauty is present in everything that surrounds us.
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