A Day on the Farm

As a child I use to spend my summers with my grandparents who would spend a few days with my great grandparents. My great grand father and mother were farmers and lived on a huge farm with no electricity, air conditioning, TV or radio. And being a "city kid" it use to be rough!

Recently, I visited the Volkening Heritage Farm which is a recreation of life in the late 19th century. I have to admit that walking around and noticing all of the farm "aromas" brought back memories of my childhood visits. It was so close to my great grandparent's farm that the kitchen layout and the water basins were almost identical.

Now, I wasn't working in the near 100 degree heat like the people from the local Preservation Society were, and seeing them dressed and working just like people did in the late 19th century brought a whole new level of respect and admiration for my great grandparents.

Life back then was HARD and I don't know how they made it. But, they did and they did it so that one day their great grandson could go to college, live in Europe, travel, and use his computer to share his images with the world. It was a huge sacrifice and I am grateful for having people of such strong convictions and work ethics in my family.

I want to thank all of the fine people from the local Preservation Society for their kindness and generosity. They were simply wonderful and gave so much of themselves to help us understand what life was like on a 19th century farm. They are a very special group of people and I am blessed to have met and shared a day with them on the farm.

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