iPhone Pandemonium!

Well, it is officially here - the Apple iPhone! We've all been exposed to what could arguably be called one of the most effective "hype" generation campaigns the advertising world has ever seen. For the past six months we've been teased and lured by Apple to believe that the new iPhone is the greatest personal electronic device ever created. Do you wanna know a secret? It just might be.
After briefly playing with it and going through a twenty minute presentation I must admit that the new iPhone is REALLY "cool!" It's thin, sleek, and black with a wonderful screen. And, the touch pad interface actually works very well. It is definitely a different approach to the cellular telephone and I believe Apple has once again done the impossible - they've created a device that once you've been exposed to it, you must have it.
Due to my "day" job I wasn't able to get off in time to capture all of the madness and the long lines prior to the 6:00pm release. But, the people at my local Apple store were very friendly and didn't mind if I brought my camera inside and captured some of the post release frenzy.

(I must give a special "shout out" and thanks to the fine people at my local Apple store. They are always helpful, friendly, and happy to just talk with you about Apple products. It is a very special place with some very special people who keep it going. I also want to personally thank Ryan Conley, our local stores' Senior Assistant Manager for allowing me to capture these images inside of the store.)

(This is SamTheMan's cell phone. Despite never keeping a charge, relaying my voice mail messages 24 hours after they were initially recorded and constantly dropping calls it has proven itself to be indestructible. But, what do you think? Is it time to upgrade?)

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