I didn't even know...

For those of you who are familiar with the photo community Flickr.com, you've at some time "ran across" the "Explore" page where images are chosen from among all of the Flickr.com images to highlight as "Most Interesting" to view.
Well, while surfin' the 'Net I discovered that 7 of my images had been featured in Flickr.com's Explore section on their homepage. I didn't even know that of the millions of images at Flickr.com that one of mine, never mind a total of 7 of my images, were featured on their homepage. That means that on 7 separate occasions one of my images were featured like the wonderful portrait above of the little girl and the huge lollipop.
Wow, what an honor! There are some truly AMAZING photographers at Flickr.com and to have some of my work featured prominently among them is a humbling experience. And although 7 of my images have been featured, there are still 5 among the pool of 500 in the "Explore" section for viewing. It is always special when fellow artists take the time to acknowledge and honor your work.
Gotta run, covering a special family event today but maybe I'll share some of the honors I've won over at Flickr.com in another post. Thank you to all of the wonderful artists at Flickr.com for encouraging me from the very beginning and supporting my photography. Be blessed and keep shooting!

(This is the cool banner you can create to highlight the images that have been featured in the "Explore" section on their homepage. Pretty cool huh?)
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