Give and it will come back to you...
Recently I had the opportunity to cover a very special event that really touched my heart. I was the photographer for a Volunteer Banquet where all of the volunteers for this particular organization were honored for their service and faithful contributions. The place was full and there was plenty fine dining and an awards ceremony. They even featured a very funny comedian during dinner to entertain everyone.
But, what was so special was all of the laughter, warmth, and love everyone expressed towards each other. It was clear that the people who volunteered, along with the staff sponsoring this event, really loved what they were doing and the people they were serving. It was truly one of those "things" that you had to experience to fully appreciate.
I've attended plenty of banquets over the years but I've never been involved with one where there was soo much love in the room. The slideshow is forthcoming, but for now please enjoy a few images from an evening where the people who usually give had the joy of having someone else give to them. That old scripture is so true - give, and it shall be given unto you.

(This was a very emotional moment as the winner of the "Volunteer of the Year" award was overcome with surprise. Her heart-felt "thank you" speech and testimony brought tears to everyone in attendance.)

(This young man won an award that evening but wasn't initially present as he was volunteering during the event. When asked to say something, he simply pointed up to the sky, thanked God for the opportunity to help, and left the stage. In his own very special way his "thank you" speech said it all!)
But, what was so special was all of the laughter, warmth, and love everyone expressed towards each other. It was clear that the people who volunteered, along with the staff sponsoring this event, really loved what they were doing and the people they were serving. It was truly one of those "things" that you had to experience to fully appreciate.
I've attended plenty of banquets over the years but I've never been involved with one where there was soo much love in the room. The slideshow is forthcoming, but for now please enjoy a few images from an evening where the people who usually give had the joy of having someone else give to them. That old scripture is so true - give, and it shall be given unto you.

(This was a very emotional moment as the winner of the "Volunteer of the Year" award was overcome with surprise. Her heart-felt "thank you" speech and testimony brought tears to everyone in attendance.)

(This young man won an award that evening but wasn't initially present as he was volunteering during the event. When asked to say something, he simply pointed up to the sky, thanked God for the opportunity to help, and left the stage. In his own very special way his "thank you" speech said it all!)

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