Missing Grandma

While browsing through some of my Christmas images from this past holiday I found this picture of my Grandmother under our Christmas Tree. At first I was very dissappointed as I thought I had focused on her picture. And, even though I didn't I also thought that the f-stop was small enough to insure her picture was in focus. But, before I could delete it I realized something - this image actually represents how we feel about her at Christmas.
My Grandmother transitioned several years ago due to a long bout with Cancer. She was a fighter and lived a full life 13 years past her diagnosis. She was also our family's matriarch and keep everything and everyone in order. She had a big personality and a huge testimony to go with it, she was in every sense of the word "special."
And being a very close family her departure has been, and is still at times, difficult to deal with. But, we know she is with God and looks down on us all of the time. And, that's where this picture comes in - just like the picture above is not quite clear, she is there in the background. And, although she is no longer with us physically she is always there in the background spiritually. I believe it must have been the Holy Ghost that led me to take this picture in this manner, but I'm glad I listened to His small still voice. The more I think about it, the more special this picture becomes.
As we move into this new year may this image serve as a reminder to take time and tell the people that mean something to you that you cherish, honor, respect and love them. I told my Grandmother that I loved her, but not nearly as much as I should have. And, the old adage is true - once they're gone, they're gone. Make sure you tell the people that you love that you love them.
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