Remembering Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day! The weather is great so I hope you spent sometime outside today and enjoyed this gift from God.
This afternoon I pulled over to capture a few cool pics of flowers along the road and all of a sudden I heard this really load noise overhead. When I looked up it was a squadron of WWII planes flying in formation. Well, after they passed (and I grabbed a quick shot) I jumped in my car to return home to go swimming. And then I started thinking about just how blessed I am to live in such a rich and vibrant country.
For example, I spent my morning playing tennis with Tobius Brown (public speaker, author, and great tennis player), shot a few pics along the way, and now I'm home eating and getting ready to chill out at the pool. There are literally hundreds of millions of people who can't even dream of having a day like mine. I am truly blessed and sometime I don't even know it - until now!
I know life can be tough, and I know we all go through challenges. But, we live in a country where we can not only make a living but have fun doing something we love - taking pictures.
So, on this Memorial Day I encourage you to remember the men and women who gave their lives so that we could truly live an abundant life in the land of the free. God bless you and have a great Memorial Day!

(This photo is 23 years old and yet it still "touches" me everytime I see it. It was one of my very first black and white pictures and my High School Photography teacher developed it for me. Maybe it's the soldier in me, but I just love it. May it bless and inspire you to live your life like there's no tomorrow!)
This afternoon I pulled over to capture a few cool pics of flowers along the road and all of a sudden I heard this really load noise overhead. When I looked up it was a squadron of WWII planes flying in formation. Well, after they passed (and I grabbed a quick shot) I jumped in my car to return home to go swimming. And then I started thinking about just how blessed I am to live in such a rich and vibrant country.
For example, I spent my morning playing tennis with Tobius Brown (public speaker, author, and great tennis player), shot a few pics along the way, and now I'm home eating and getting ready to chill out at the pool. There are literally hundreds of millions of people who can't even dream of having a day like mine. I am truly blessed and sometime I don't even know it - until now!
I know life can be tough, and I know we all go through challenges. But, we live in a country where we can not only make a living but have fun doing something we love - taking pictures.
So, on this Memorial Day I encourage you to remember the men and women who gave their lives so that we could truly live an abundant life in the land of the free. God bless you and have a great Memorial Day!

(This photo is 23 years old and yet it still "touches" me everytime I see it. It was one of my very first black and white pictures and my High School Photography teacher developed it for me. Maybe it's the soldier in me, but I just love it. May it bless and inspire you to live your life like there's no tomorrow!)
Hey Sam!
Thanks for the comment and encouragement. It's so easy to get distracted by these things and I can't even tell you what a blessing it is to have people like you and the Barlows around to keep me focused on the eternal things!
In His grace!
Hey DJ,
You have touched the lives of countless people through your generosity and love. You're one of those rare folks who to know you is to love you. I'm blessed to have met you and I thank God that our paths have crossed. I love you, and I am soooo excited to see all of the wonderful things God is doing in your life. Be encouraged, and be yourself - God will do the rest. Chat with you soon my man!
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