On the Road Again...

...I feel like singing that old Willy Nelson song. I'm on the road again and I love traveling. I don't know why I like it but I've always enjoyed traveling even as a child so I guess it's in my blood. I'll be away for a "little while" but will still post to my blog as there's been much going on at Samuel Barr Photography.
One of the joys and pains of traveling are the long hours in airports. Recently, I flew through Philadelphia on my way to New York and it was a great time as the Philadelphia airport has changed since the last time I was there. In fact, it reminded me more of a shopping mall than an airport. Given the reputation airports have for high prices I wonder if many people take advantage of this unique shopping experience? Let me ask you - what was the last thing you purchased in an airport and why?
Have a great week and remember - God has blessed us with a big world to live in, try to see as much of it as you can!
The Philadelphia International Airport

I haven't seen one of these since I left the South. They use to have the best Chicken Biscuits. This one only sold their Chicken Biscuits during breakfast. Good thing as Operation Transformation would have been in trouble that day. :-0

Although I enjoy flying I'm not too crazy about these little birdies. This is the plane I flew into NYC. Can you believe that it didn't even have a jet engine?

This was the first time that I've had time to chill at LaGuardia Airport.

I love big images, especially in ads and this is no exception. I found this to be a really cool ad campaign featuring Tiger Woods and just had to share it with you. I can't help it as it is the advertising/marketing guy in me. :-)

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