GET MOTIVATED Business Seminar
Today our company sponsored the staff to attend the "GET MOTIVATED" business seminar. This was the nation-wide tour featuring Zig Ziglar, Lovie Smith, Tom Hopkins, Dr. Robert Schuller, Derek Lee, Steve Forbes, Peter Lowe, Phil Town and General Colin Powell. I LOVE events like this where you are surrounded by people who want to move forward in life just like you, and you have the opportunity to learn from some of your favorite business and success mentors.
Despite the big name speakers the biggest surprise for me was something Peter Lowe shared during his presentation. Now, I was raised in the church, attended summer bible camps, and am still "in the church." But, after listening to countless sermons and teachings on "Faith," today I finally understand what faith is all about. Until today it was still in the realm of "out there" as many of my teachers have made faith sound like magic. However, according to Peter, the true power of "living by faith" is simply living your life by what you believe.
I know that sounds simple but something "clicked" for me in a way that it never has before. The "mystery" and mysticism of faith was removed today and THAT was worth the price of admission. I pray that my long-awaited "awakening" will be a source of understanding for you as you trust God to fulfill His promises in your life like never before!

Despite the big name speakers the biggest surprise for me was something Peter Lowe shared during his presentation. Now, I was raised in the church, attended summer bible camps, and am still "in the church." But, after listening to countless sermons and teachings on "Faith," today I finally understand what faith is all about. Until today it was still in the realm of "out there" as many of my teachers have made faith sound like magic. However, according to Peter, the true power of "living by faith" is simply living your life by what you believe.
I know that sounds simple but something "clicked" for me in a way that it never has before. The "mystery" and mysticism of faith was removed today and THAT was worth the price of admission. I pray that my long-awaited "awakening" will be a source of understanding for you as you trust God to fulfill His promises in your life like never before!

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