My Impressions with my new F100...

Day 4:
The more I use this camera, the more I love it.! I didn't believe the hype as I don't believe it is the camera but the photographer that captures the image. However, just as surgeons have their favorite types of lasers, and just as hair stylist have their favorite types of combs/razors/scissors, photographers have their favorite types of tools as well.
This has quickly become my favorite camera body. The balanced weight, rubber grip, "feel" and the way it handles different size lenses without losing its balance is without question what makes this particular camera body so popular and arguably the best 35mm SLR ever - not to mention its fast autofocus and excellent metering.
If you don't believe me, go to your local camera store and ask them to give you a Nikon F100 with any lens mounted on it and you'll discover what I'm talking about. I've shoot 2 rolls today with the melting snow and I'm looking forward to sharing those with you next week. Be blessed and keep shooting!
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