Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Nature's Way

It's spring and that means "love is in the air!" Recently, a neighboring couple gave birth and their little ones are simply too cute! If you're just walking by you can get very close but for some reason whenever I raised my camera the Mother became very protective and began hiding her children.

Here's a few images of this new family that I thought you'd enjoy. May these images be reminders of God's great creative power and His undying love. Even though the Mother kept hiding her children, I loved seeing her protect and care for them. As I watched her all I could think about was the scripture that say God looks over us as a Mother Hen looks over her off spring.

Have a blessed and empowered day!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Readers are Leaders

Happy Wednesday! I've been working on several projects at once and one of the "things" that has taken a back seat is my reading. I learned to love to read and literally have my own personal library. One of my life goals is to earn my Ph.D. Well, my friends tease me and tell me that I don't have to return to school to get my Ph.D, I just need to read all of the books that I have. So, let me ask you a question - what was the last book you read and why?

You don't have to read a novel every week to be a "reader." Just find something that you find interesting and go for it. I LOVE books about people who overcame adverse circumstances to become what they dreamed of becoming. So, anything that is about purpose and living a life on purpose has my attention. Whatever it is for you, pick up a book and let your mind go! I promise you that you will soon discover the power in reading. God bless, keep shooting and never give up on your reading or your dreams!